Monthly Recap: May Miles

Jenna Miller
3 min readJun 4, 2021

I am not going to lie, this month was rough. Casey and I were stressed with how much we had to do, we got a new puppy which changed up our entire schedules and we got our COVID shots which hit us a lot harder than expected. But with all of that being said, we made it through and are looking forward to the next month to get us back on track.

Honestly, we did not keep track of our goals or our money owed, so what we ended up doing was put $20/each in the Fancy Fund to make up for the $5/week, but let the others slide because it was a crazy month and we just needed a break.

So at the end of May, our Fancy Fund total is at $256.

Let me break down the rules for this month:

In terms of books, we settled on just finishing up I Will Teach You to Be Rich, Second Edition: No Guilt. No Excuses. No BS. Just a 6-Week Program That Works by Sethi, Ramit. And it was a great book with really helpful insight on finances. I also tried to read the Freelancer’s Bible, but struggled with it since it was a bit outdated and seemed to address the needs of a freelancer starting out in 2012 instead of 2021. So safe to say, I did not finish that book.

Daily Challenges:

Run everyday (though I changed it to walk everyday, because I want to give myself a realistic goal to achieve and this seems the most realistic).

— Casey did a great job at this and was running close to everyday, so good for him! I ran for a few days, but stuck to walking, which I feel like I did a good job getting out everyday, so a win in my book. At least my legs were moving!

Weekly Challenges:

Review our weekly goals and go through our plans on how to achieve them.

— This is an honest review and honestly, we didn’t do this. We got overwhelmed by our goals, put too much on our plates and failed to achieve a lot of what we set out to do. This is okay, but we decided we needed to change direction next month and focus on smaller, more attainable goals each week instead of trying to accomplish everything every week.

Monthly Challenges:

Finish the Pre-Dog checklist

— We got pretty close with this one, so we ended up getting a dog. I think we only had about two more things to do and one of them we tried which was to have people over, and the people had to reschedule, so it wasn’t really our fault.

Run/Walk 100 miles

— I got about 60 miles worth of running and walking in May, so not bad. It wasn’t 100, but like I’ve been saying, May was a hard month for us and we gave it the best shot we could. Onwards and upwards is what I always say!

Rake in 100 miles worth of achieved goals

— Ha. Nope, this did not happen. We drafted out all of our goals at the beginning of the month and like I said above, we set the bar way too high and ended up beating ourselves up because of it.

So, the moral of the story this month was if you try to accomplish too much, then you don’t accomplish anything. Smaller goals and not as many of them is the way to go and the way to make progress, even if it’s slow going.



Jenna Miller

CEO and Founder of Just Better Media, LLC, a media company dedicated to providing you with creative services that are just better than the rest.